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Jaden Harvey

Trinity N. Pfahl
20 September 2023
Jaden Harvey ~ 9/29/05 - 9/18/23
“In Honor of You”

The Halo You Weren't Ready To Wear

I remember that midday lunch, and how you always sat across from me;
And how you were so excited to celebrate that night, and the smile hidden on your face.
I remember that fateful morning, walking into school and reading the news;
And every frantic text and call, praying to God the news was NOT true.
I thought everything was all a messed-up coincidence with the contorted cars on the road;
But feeling my heart sink, realizing you're wearing your golden halo.
I've cried so much recently; those warm salty tears that burn your face as they fall;
I can't even count how many times I've wiped away the dried tears lining my eyes.
I'm still drowning in denial, with false hopes of seeing you;
With your scratchy beard, monotone voice, and careless attitude.
And ever since you've left, I've noticed the skies;
I know you work hard to make them beautiful—just to help us not cry.
All I can think about—how scared you might've been in there;
Even though your leaving us was instant—when you got the halo you weren't ready to wear.

Sandy Herre
September 29, 2023
“Jaden Harvey Tribute”

Gone Too Soon
September 29, 2005—September 18, 2023

Just over one year ago, you entered our seventh-hour English 11 classroom, my life, 
       and my heart.

August 10, 2022 . . . you stepped into S100 on the first day of school, and little did I know the 
       indelible impact you would make.

Determined to “test me” at first, you quickly warmed to the classroom and my instruction—
       AND especially Mama Herre’s red velvet cake and cookies.

Even though you did NOT like school, you ambled through S100’s threshold for seventh-hour
       English every day . . . and some days were better than others for you.

Needing a loving nudge once in a while, you started to flourish in Herre-Mart, sharing your 
       invaluable insight, writing unforgettable stories and journal entries, and spreading your
       authentic, bold—sometimes broken—spirit.

How you finished the school year proudly presenting your research over Walter “Sweetness” 
       Payton like a “Rock Star” . . . and engulfing me in a bear hug and a “thank you” as the 
       3:00 PM bell rang to end the school year.    

August 9, 2023 . . . you entered Benton Central for your senior year—with so many auspicious 
       opportunities awaiting you for your final 180 days of high school.

Ruthless, senseless, gut-wrenching, avoidable tragedy snatched you from us on Monday, 
       September 18, 2023, as you returned from celebrating your best friend’s seventeenth

       birthday. NOT again—another PRECIOUS student was taken way too soon in a tragic car

Visiting me on Thursday, September 14, 2023, would mark our final conversation—
       Only I could NOT fathom this finality at the time.
Eager to “catch up,” you were checking in on me—and you needed a water; I gave you two.
       My final words: “I love you, Jay. Come see me if you need ANYTHING this year.”

Your unforgettable reply: “I know; I will. See ya, Ms. Herre.” Little did I know you would be 
       walking out of S100 for the FINAL time. Despite the irreplaceable void your death has

       left on my heart and entire existence, I KNOW I WILL see you again, my beloved Jay.

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