The Phoenix Literary Arts Magazine
Cade Keller
Choccy Milk
Cade Keller, 2023
Picture this: the night sky, flashing with countless enigmatic stars, with a blue-black velvet hue, arrests
the idea in its unstoppable penetration into such depths of the Universe that the human mind no longer
can understand this depth. This conveys the power of mystical attraction. In the same way that no two
humans on Earth appear the same, no two stars in the universe have the same destinations or journeys.
Each of them has a unique allure --- a unique magic of influence utilized to set the checkpoints on our
path; the passage shaped by the experience we have accumulated over the years. Every nook and cranny
of the night sky remains exquisite in its special way because stars weave numerous designs of silver
embroidery. Each star emits just one of its natural lights, resulting in an amazingly harmonized spectrum
of rays that range from scarlet to silvery blue. The lovely moon undoubtedly dominates the night sky,
blocking our view of the stars and constellations because of the reflecting light. However, only a slight
amount of cloud cover that emerges produces unexpectedly amazing cloud combinations that catch the
eye and inspire even the most creative minds. The crisp winter sky looks especially rich with a plethora of
luminous stars. This conveys the beauty of the night sky, shining down its luminescence onto you and me
as we sleep. I relish the stars too fondly to be fearful of the darkness in the dark midnight sky. For the rest
of my days, I WILL enjoy sitting under the night sky, sipping choccy milk.